
The Pipeliner framework requires Nextflow and Anaconda. Nextflow can be used on any POSIX compatible system (Linux, OS X, etc). It requires BASH and Java 8 (or higher) to be installed. Third-party software tools used by individual pipelines will be installed and managed through a Conda virtual environment.

Testing Nextflow

Before continuuing, test to make sure your environment is compatible with a Nextflow executable.


You will download another one later when you clone the repository

Make sure your Java installation is version 8 or higher:

java -version

Create a new directory and install/test Nextflow:

mkdir nf-test
cd nf-test
curl -s | bash
./nextflow run hello


N E X T F L O W  ~  version 0.31.0
Launching `nextflow-io/hello` [sad_curran] - revision: d4c9ea84de [master]
[warm up] executor > local
[4d/479eec] Submitted process > sayHello (4)
[a8/4bc038] Submitted process > sayHello (2)
[17/5be64e] Submitted process > sayHello (3)
[ee/0d879f] Submitted process > sayHello (1)
Hola world!
Ciao world!
Hello world!
Bonjour world!

Installing Anaconda

Pipeliner uses virtual environments managed by Conda, which is available through Anaconda. Download the distribution pre-packaged with Python 2.7.

Make sure conda is installed and updated:

conda --version
conda update conda


If this is your first time working with Conda, you may need to edit your configuration paths to ensure Anaconda is invoked when calling conda

Pre-Packaged Conda Environment

Yaml File

Clone Pipeliner:

git clone

Environment for Linux:

conda env create -f pipeliner/envs/linux_env.yml

Environment for OS X:

conda env create -f pipeliner/envs/osx_env.yml


Copies of pre-compiled binaries are hosted/maintained at


For those installing on the Shared Computing Cluster (SCC) at Boston University, instructions on how to setup a private conda environment can be here.

Setting up Pipeliner


It is recommended to clone Pipeliner to a directory path that does not contain spaces

With all prerequisites, one can quickly setup Pipeliner by cloning the repository, configuring local paths to toy datasets, activating the conda environment, and downloading the Nextflow executable:

# Clone Pipeliner
git clone

# Activate conda environment
source activate pipeliner

# Configure local paths to toy datasets
python pipeliner/scripts/

# Move to pipelines directory
cd pipeliner/pipelines

# Download nextflow executable
curl -s | bash

# Run RNA-seq pipeline with toy data
./nextflow -c rnaseq.config

The output should look like this:

N E X T F L O W  ~  version 0.31.1
Launching `` [nasty_pauling] - revision: cd3f572ab2
[warm up] executor > local
[31/1b2066] Submitted process > pre_fastqc (ggal_alpha)
[23/de6d60] Submitted process > pre_fastqc (ggal_theta)
[7c/28ee53] Submitted process > pre_fastqc (ggal_gamma)
[97/9ad6c1] Submitted process > check_reads (ggal_alpha)
[ab/c3eedf] Submitted process > check_reads (ggal_theta)
[2d/050633] Submitted process > check_reads (ggal_gamma)
[1d/f3af6d] Submitted process > pre_multiqc
[32/b1db1d] Submitted process > hisat_indexing (genome_reference.fa)
[3b/d93c6d] Submitted process > trim_galore (ggal_alpha)
[9c/3fa50b] Submitted process > trim_galore (ggal_theta)
[62/25fce0] Submitted process > trim_galore (ggal_gamma)
[66/ccc9db] Submitted process > hisat_mapping (ggal_alpha)
[28/69fff5] Submitted process > hisat_mapping (ggal_theta)
[5c/5ed2b6] Submitted process > hisat_mapping (ggal_gamma)
[b4/e559ab] Submitted process > gtftobed (genome_annotation.gtf)
[bc/6f490c] Submitted process > rseqc (ggal_alpha)
[71/80aa9e] Submitted process > rseqc (ggal_theta)
[17/ca0d9f] Submitted process > rseqc (ggal_gamma)
[d7/7d391b] Submitted process > counting (ggal_alpha)
[df/936854] Submitted process > counting (ggal_theta)
[11/143c2c] Submitted process > counting (ggal_gamma)
[31/4c11f9] Submitted process > expression_matrix
[1f/3af548] Submitted process > multiqc
Success: Pipeline Completed!